Thornton weekly report week ending 30th October 2016

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Thornton weekly report week ending 30th October 2016

 Tel: 01530 230807

70 acre

Although we’re seeing increasing numbers of fish on the fry, all over the reservoir, this mild October weather has had some anglers reaching for their dries and buzzer boxes, with some success.

Steve Orton went to the top of the Thornton arm, found fish moving and took two on shuttlecock buzzers, Mark Burrows caught 4 during an afternoon session with a suspender buzzer taking a few, Stuart Thompson also fished an afternoon session taking 4 on dries while Mick Glover fished a 14 buzzer to take his 3 fish.

Most anglers reached for their fry patterns with a small white or black booby on an intermediate working while the cats whisker and small minkie patterns worked well.

Martin Clay and Colin Meads fished fry patterns on an intermediate to take 11 trout, Mark Hunt fished cruncher and cats whisker to record his 6 fish with Chris Sayer fry patterns taking 5 trout to 3lb8oz, Val and Mick Jay fished a short morning session using an intermediate and small boobies to take 8 fish

As is typical this time of year it’s a case of keeping on the move looking for the fry feeders.

Overall average for the week was 1.7

Thornton 2016 Closing date is Sunday 20th November

 Car Park, Lodge and bank fishing open 7.30am

Full Day Boats 8.30am – 6.00pm

Part Day Boats 8.30am – 12.30pm  /  12.45pm – 4.45pm

During this period with shorter days our part day boat session, morning & afternoon will be charged at the last 4 hour rate.

 All anglers off site by 5.15pm

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 2017 Season Permits, if you’re interested in receiving information on availability of season permits for next year call or email the Thornton lodge.

 Call 01530230807
